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In our current society, we know that having information, TV programs, radio programs, music, and other forms of media available at our fingertips is very important. With this in mind, we do everything that we can to make our weekly messages and message outlines, conveniently and easily accessible from our website.

March 31,2024: "Understanding The Love Of Christ"

March 24, 2024: "What's Love Got To Do With It? - Part 2"

March 17, 2024: "What's Love Got To Do With It? - Part 1"

December 26, 2021: "A S.T.E.LL.A.R. Approach For The New Year"

October 10, 2021: "Preparing For Kingdom Work In These Last Days"

October 3, 2021: "Preparing For Christ's Return"

September 26, 2021: "Understanding Church Fellowship"

September 19, 2021: "How To Pour Into My Relationship"

September 12, 2021: "Becoming A Healthy Church"

September 5, 2021: "How To Live A Joy Filled Life -
Part 2"

August 29, 2021: "How To Live A Joy Filled Life -
Part 2"

August 22, 2021: "How To Make Wise Decisions"

August 15, 2021: "The Key To A Healthy Life"

August 8, 2021: "The Key To Living Like Jesus"

August 1, 2021: "God's Plan For Helping Me Become My Best"

July 25, 2021: "The Key To True Success & Fulfillment"

July 25, 2021: "The Key To True Success & Fulfillment"

July 18, 2021: "Finding God"

July 11, 2021: "Making My Life Count"

January 24: "Praying For A Better Year - Part 2"

January 17: "Praying For A Better Year"

January 10: "Trusting God For A Better Year - Part 2"

January 03: "Trusting God For A Better Year"

December 27: "Turning Over A New Leaf"

December 20: "Christmas: Moving From Religion To Relationship"

December 13: "Getting Into The Spirit Of Christmas"

December 06: "Changing The Way I Think Through The Radical Teaching Of Jesus"

November 29: "Making The Most Of Every Opportunity"

November 22: "Learning To Be Content"

November 15: "Becoming A Christ-Follower By Following Christ"

November 08: "Committing My Life Completely To Christ"

November 01: "The Fruit Of A Christ-Follower"

October 25: "Becoming A Genuine Christ-Follower"

October 18: "Living a Worry-Free Life"

October 11: "Pursuing A Life Of Holiness"

October 4: "Preparing My Heart To Receive More"

September 20: "Worshipping Our Creator"

September 13: "Making Disciples Rather Than Converts"

September 6: "Abiding In The Vine Of Christ"

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